• Why So Serious?

    Rumor has it…you’re a little too focused, a little too uptight, and a little too serious!! Heyyy boo!! The busyness of life can be serious at times. It may even cause you to lose sight of your playful side. I’m here to help you lighten the load and enjoy being.…

  • I NEED HELP!!!

    Rumor has it….You’re a do-it-all person!! You get it all done by yourself! Heyyy boo!! Asking for help can be embarrassing at times. It makes you vulnerable, anxious, shy, but it is perfectly normal to ask for help. No man should be an island because we are better together! Until…

  • I’m Rooting For You…You Can’t Give Up!

    Rumor has it……. You’re about to give up! Heyyy boo!! Let’s have a serious chat!! One thing I will not allow you to do is GIVE UP! The world needs all that you have to offer. There is greatness inside of you. So much potential that you have not even…